function [r,m] = est(sys,task,config) %%% project: emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework ( ) %%% version: 5.99 (2022-04-13) %%% authors: Christian Himpe (0000-0003-2194-6754) %%% license: BSD-2-Clause ( %%% summary: est - empirical system theory (emgr frontend) %global ODE; ODE = []; % Custom integrator handle global STAGES; STAGES = 3; % Default integrator configuration global RANK; RANK = Inf; % Maximum rank of decompositions persistent WC; persistent WO; persistent WQ; persistent WX; persistent FC; persistent FO; persistent FQ; persistent FX; persistent GC; persistent GO; persistent GQ; persistent GX; sysdim = [sys.M, sys.N, sys.Q]; % System dimension tdisc = [sys.dt, sys.Tf]; % Time discretizations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% DEFAULT VALUES pr = hasfield(sys,'p',[]); % Parameters nf = zeros(1,13); % Configuration Flags ut = []; % Training Input us = hasfield(sys,'us',zeros(sys.M,1)); % Steady-State Input xs = hasfield(sys,'xs',zeros(sys.N,1)); % Steady-State um = []; % Input Perturbation Scales xm = []; % Steady-State Perturbation Scales %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% DECODE CONFIGURATION % Choose system integrator if isfield(config,'solver') if isa(config.solver,'function_handle') ODE = config.solver; % Custom function handle else switch lower(config.solver) case 'rk1ex', STAGES = 1; % Explicit 1st Order Runge-Kutta Method (Explicit Euler's Method) case 'rk2ex', STAGES = 2; % Explicit 2nd Order Runge-Kutta Method (Heun's Method) Optimal Strong Stabilty Preserving, Low-Storage case 'rk45ex', ODE = @rk45ex; % Adaptive Embedded 4th/5th Order Runge-Kutta Method (Dormand-Prince Method) end%switch end%if end%if % Choose gramian kernel if isfield(config,'kernel') && isa(config.kernel,'function_handle') dp = config.kernel; end%if gtimes = @(m) m * m'; dp = match(config,'kernel',[],{'lie' @(x,y) x*y - y'*x'; % Lie Bracket kernel 'hyp' @(x,y) x*x' - y*y'; % Hyperbolic SVD kernel 'sum', @kernel_sum; ... % Sum Peudo Kernel 'trace', @kernel_trace; ... % Trace Peudo Kernel 'diagonal', @kernel_diagonal; ... % Diagonal Pseudo Kernel 'dmd', @dmd; ... % DMD Pseudo Kernel 'position', @(x,y) x(1:size(x,1)/2,:) * y(:,1:size(y,2)/2); ... % Position Pseudo Kernel 'velocity', @(x,y) x(size(x,1)/2+1:end,:) * y(:,size(y,2)/2+1:end); ... % Velocity Pseudo Kernel 'quadratic', @(x,y) (x * y).^2 + 1.0; ... % Quadratic (Polynomial) Kernel 'cubic', @(x,y) (x * y).^3 + 1.0; ... % Cubic (Polynomial) Kernel 'sigmoid', @(x,y) tanh(x * y - 1.0); ... % Sigmoid Kernel 'mercersigmoid', @(x,y) tanh(x - 1.0) * tanh(y - 1.0); ... % Sigmoid-Mercer Kernel 'logarithmic', @(x,y) log(x + 1.0) * log(y + 1.0); ... % Logarithmic Kernel 'exponential', @(x,y) exp(x * y); ... % Exponential Kernel 'gauss', @(x,y) exp(-0.5 * gtimes(x-y')); ... % Gauss Kernel 'single', @(x,y) single(x) * single(y)}); % Single Precision Kernel % Choose training input ut = match(config,'training','i',{'impulse', 'i'; ... % Impulse input 'step', 's'; ... % Step input 'chirp', 'h'; ... % Chirp input 'sinc', 'a'; ... % Sinc input 'random', 'r'}); % Random-binary input % Choose trajectory weighting nf(13) = match(config,'weighting',0,{'none', 0; ... % No weighting 'linear', 1; ... % Linear Time-Weighting 'quadratic', 2; ... % Quadratic Time-Weighting 'state', 3; ... % State-Based Weighting 'scale', 4; ... % Range-Based Weighting 'rsqrt', 5}); % Reciprocal Square-Root Time-Weighting % Choose trajectory centering nf(1) = match(config,'centering',0,{'none', 0; ... % No Centering 'steady', 1; ... % Steady State 'final', 2; ... % Final State 'mean', 3; ... % Arithmetic Mean 'rms', 4; ... % Root-Mean-Squared 'midrange', 5; ... % Mid-Range 'range' 6;}); % Range-based % Choose perturbation scales nf([2,3]) = match(config,'scales',0,{'single', 0; ... % No Subdivision: [1.0] 'linear', 1; ... % Linear Scale Subdivision: [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0] 'geometric', 2; ... % Geometric Scale Subdivision: [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0] 'logarithmic', 3; ... % Logarithmic Scale Subdivision: [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0] 'sparse', 4}); % Sparse Scale Subdivision: [0.01, 0.5, 0.99, 1.0] % Choose perturbation rotations nf([4,5]) = match(config,'rotations',0,{'posneg', 0; ... % Positive and negative rotations 'single', 1}); % Only Positive Perturbations % Choose gramian normalization nf(6) = match(config,'normalize',0,{'none', 0; ... % No normalization 'steady', 1; ... % Steady-State Normalization 'jacobi', 2}); % Jacobi Normalization % State gramian variant nf(7) = match(config,'stype',0,{'standard', 0; ... % Regular state Gramian 'special' , 1; ... % Generic Non-Standard 'output_controllability', 1; ... % Output Controllabilty Gramian 'averaged_observability', 1; ... % Averaged Observability Gramian 'nonsymmetric_minimality', 1}); % Nonsymmetric Cross Gramian % Extra input for observability and sensitivity nf(8) = match(config,'extra_input',0,{'none', 0; ... % No extra input 'yes', 1}); % Use extra input % Choose parameter centering nf(9) = match(config,'pcentering',0,{'none', 0; ... % No Scaling 'linear', 1; ... % Linear Scaling and Parameter Centering 'logarithmic', 2; ... % Logarithmic Scaling Parameter Centering 'nominal' 3}); % Linear Scaling and Nominal Parameter Centering % Parameter gramian variant nf(10) = match(config,'ptype',0,{'standard', 0; ... % Regular parameter Gramian 'special', 1; ... % Generic non-standard 'io_sensitivity', 1; ... % input-output-based sensitivity gramian 'coarse_schur', 1; % (cross-)identifiability gramian via coarse schur complement 'exact_schur' 2}); % (cross-)identifiability gramian via exact schur complement % Set maximum rank for decompositions RANK = hasfield(config,'max_order',Inf); % rom_training islinear = isfield(config,'linearity') && isequal(config.linearity,'linear'); if islinear f = {sys.f, sys.F, sys.f}; g = {sys.g, 1, sys.F}; w = {'c', 'c', 'y'}; else f = {sys.f, sys.f, sys.f}; g = {sys.g, sys.g, sys.g}; w = {'c', 'o', 'x'}; end%if switch lower(task.type) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MATRIX EQUATIONS case 'matrix_equation' % OK v = match(task,'method',[],{'lyapunov', 1; ... 'sylvester', 3}); assert(not(isempty(v)),'est: Unknown matrix_equation method'); r = emgr(f{v},g{v},sysdim,tdisc,w{v},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% SINGULAR VALUES case 'singular_values' % OK v = match(task,'method',[],{'controllability', 1; ... 'observability', 2; ... 'minimality', 3}); assert(not(isempty(v)),'est: Unknown singular_value method'); r = SVD(emgr(f{v},g{v},sysdim,tdisc,w{v},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)); if hasfield(config,'score',false) r = morscore(1:numel(r), r ./ max(r)); elseif nargout == 2 m = morscore(1:numel(r), r ./ max(r)); end%if %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MODEL REDUCTION case 'model_reduction' % OK if isequal(task.method,'dmd_galerkin') dp = @dmd; end%if if (isequal(task.method,'dmd_galerkin') || isequal(task.method,'poor_man')) && isequal(task.variant,'observability') W = {emgr(f{2},g{2},sysdim,tdisc,w{2},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)}; elseif (isequal(task.method,'dmd_galerkin') || isequal(task.method,'poor_man')) W = {emgr(f{1},g{1},sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)}; elseif isequal(task.variant,'observability') W = {emgr(f{1},g{1},sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp), ... emgr(f{2},g{2},sysdim,tdisc,w{2},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)}; elseif isequal(task.variant,'minimality') W = {emgr(f{3},g{3},sysdim,tdisc,w{3},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)}; else error('est: Unknown model_reduction variant'); end%if reductor = match(task,'method',[],{'poor_man', @poor_man; ... 'dmd_galerkin', @poor_man; ... 'dominant_subspaces', @dominant_subspaces; ... 'approx_balancing', @approx_balancing; ... 'balanced_pod', @balanced_pod; ... 'balanced_truncation', @balanced_truncation}); assert(not(isempty(reductor)),'est: Unknown model_reduction method'); [UX,~,VX] = reductor(W); if any(strcmp(hasfield(config,'kernel',''),{'position','velocity'})) UX = blkdiag(UX,UX); VX = blkdiag(VX,VX); end%if if hasfield(config,'test',false) r = assess(sys,config,UX,VX,1,1); if hasfield(config,'score',false) r = morscore(r{1},r{4}); elseif nargout == 2 m = morscore(r{1},r{4}); end%if else r = {UX,VX}; end%if %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PARAMETER REDUCTION case 'parameter_reduction' % OK w = match(task,'method',[],{'observability', 'i'; ... 'minimality', 'j'}); assert(not(isempty(w)),'est: Unknown parameter_reduction method'); W = emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,w,pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); [UP,~,~] = SVD(W{2}); if hasfield(config,'test',false) r = assess(sys,config,1,1,UP,UP); if hasfield(config,'score',false) r = morscore(r{2},r{4}); elseif nargout == 2 m = morscore(r{2},r{4}); end%if else r = {UP,UP}; end%if %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% COMBINED REDUCTION case 'combined_reduction' % OK if isequal(task.method,'observability') W = [emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp), ... emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'i',pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)]; elseif isequal(task.method,'minimality') W = emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'j',pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); else error('est: Unknown combined_reduction method'); end%if [UP,~,~] = SVD(W{end}); reductor = match(task,'variant',[],{'poor_man', @poor_man; ... 'dominant_subspaces', @dominant_subspaces; ... 'approx_balancing', @approx_balancing; ... 'balanced_pod', @balanced_pod; ... 'balanced_truncation', @balanced_truncation}); assert(not(isempty(reductor)),'est: Unknown combined_reduction variant'); [UX,~,VX] = reductor(W(1:end-1)); if hasfield(config,'test',false) r = assess(sys,config,UX,VX,UP,UP); if hasfield(config,'score',false) r = morscore({r{1},r{2}},r{4}); elseif nargout == 2 m = morscore({r{1},r{2}},r{4}); end%if else r = {UX, VX; ... UP, UP}; end%if %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% DECENTRALIZED CONTROL case 'decentralized_control' % OK nf(7) = 1; elem = @(v,k) v(k); coher = @(m) trace(m)^2 / sum(sum(m .* m')); gtrace = @(m) sum(sum(m .* m')); ys = sys.g(xs,us,pr,0); if islinear eg = @(ui,yj,dp) emgr(@(x,u,p,t) sys.f(x,us + sparse(ui,1,u,sys.M,1),p,t), ... @(x,u,p,t) sys.F(x,ys + sparse(yj,1,u,sys.Q,1),p,t), ... [1,sys.N,1],tdisc,'y',pr,nf,ut,[],xs,um,xm,dp); else eg = @(ui,yj,dp) emgr(@(x,u,p,t) sys.f(x,us + sparse(ui,1,u,sys.M,1),p,t), ... @(x,u,p,t) elem(sys.g(x,u,p,t),yj), ... [1,sys.N,1],tdisc,'x',pr,nf,ut,[],xs,um,xm,dp); end%if em = match(task,'method',[],{'relative_gain_array', @(ui,yj) eg(ui,yj,@kernel_trace); ... 'io_coherence', @(ui,yj) coher(eg(ui,yj,[])); ... 'io_pairing', @(ui,yj) abs(det(eg(ui,yj,[]))); ... 'participation_matrix', @(ui,yj) sqrt(gtrace(eg(ui,yj,[]))); ... 'hardy_2', @(ui,yj) abs(emgr(@(x,u,p,t) sys.f(x,us + sparse(ui,1,u,sys.M,1),p,t), ... @(x,u,p,t) elem(sys.g(x,u,p,t),yj), ... [1,sys.N,1],tdisc,'c',pr,nf,ut,[],xs,um,xm)); ... 'hardy_inf', @(ui,yj) sum(abs(EIG(eg(ui,yj,[])))); ... 'hankel_interaction', @(ui,yj) abs(eigs(eg(ui,yj,[]),1)); ... 'rms_hsv', @(ui,yj) sum(SVD(eg(ui,yj,[])).^4)}); assert(not(isempty(em)),'est: Unknown decentralized_control method'); r = arrayfun(em,repmat(1:sys.Q,sys.M,1),repmat((1:sys.M)',1,sys.Q)); if isequal(task.method,'relative_gain_array'), r = r.*pinv(r)'; end%if r = r./max(r(:)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% STATE SENSITIVITY case 'state_sensitivity' % OK v = match(task,'method',[],{'controllability', 1; ... 'observability', 2; ... 'minimality', 3}); assert(not(isempty(v)),'est: Unknown state_sensitivity method'); r = sqrt(abs(emgr(f{v},g{v},sysdim,tdisc,w{v},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,@kernel_diagonal))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PARAMETER SENSITIVITY case 'parameter_sensitivity' % OK v = match(task,'method',[],{'controllability', 0; ... 'observability', 0; ... 'minimality', 1}); assert(not(isempty(v)),'est: Unknown parameter_sensitivity method'); nf(10) = v; nf(7) = match(task,'method',0,{'observability', 1}); ws = emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'s',pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); r = ws{2}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PARAMETER IDENTIFIABILITY case 'parameter_identifiability' % OK w = match(task,'method',[],{'observability', 'i'; ... 'minimality', 'j'}); assert(not(isempty(w)),'est: Unknown parameter_identifiability method'); wi = emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,w,pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); r = SVD(wi{2}); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION case 'uncertainty_quantification' % OK v = match(task,'method',0,{'controllability', 0; ... 'observability', 1}); assert(not(isempty(w)),'est: Unknown uncertainty_quantification method'); nf(7) = v; [UC,SC,~] = SVD(emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)); r = SC; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NONLINEARITY QUANTIFICATION case 'nonlinearity_quantification' % OK w = match(task,'method',[],{'controllability', 'c'; ... 'observability', 'o'; ... 'minimality', 'x'; ... 'correlation', '!'}); assert(not(isempty(w)),'est: Unknown nonlinearity_quantification method'); if isequal(w,'!') rc = est(sys,setfield(task,'method','controllability'),config); ro = est(sys,setfield(task,'method','observability'),config); rx = est(sys,setfield(task,'method','minimality'),config); r = (rx .* rx) ./ (rc .* ro); else r = arrayfun(@(k) emgr(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,w,pr,nf,ut,us,xs,k,k,@kernel_trace),linspace(1.0,10.0,10)); end%if %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% GRAMIAN INDEX case 'gramian_index' % OK xlogx = @(x) x .* log(x); inw = match(task,'method',[],{'sigma_min', @(w) min(SVD(w)); ... ... 'harmonic_mean', @(w) size(w,1)/sum(1./SVD(w)) ... 'geometric_mean', @(w) prod(SVD(w))^(1.0/size(w,1)); ... ... 'energy_fraction', @(w) sum(SVD(w)); ... ... 'operator_norm', @(w) norm(w,'fro'); ... ... 'sigma_max', @(w) svds(w,1); ... ... 'log_det', @(w) sum(log(SVD(w))); ... ... 'entropy', @(w) -1.0./size(w,1) * sum(xlogx(SVD(w))); ... ... 'storage_efficiency', @(w) sqrt(prod(SVD(w))/prod(diag(w))); ... ... 'unobservability_index', @(w) 1.0./sqrt(min(SVD(w))); ... ... 'performance_index', @(w) trace(w) * prod(SVD(w))^(1.0/size(w,1))}); assert(not(isempty(inw)),'est: Unknown gramian_index method'); switch hasfield(task,'variant','') case 'controllability' if isempty(WC) || not(isequal(FC,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GC,sys.g)) WC = emgr(f{1},g{1},sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FC = sys.f; GC = sys.g; end%if W = WC; case 'observability' if isempty(WO) || not(isequal(FO,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GO,sys.g)) WO = emgr(f{2},g{2},sysdim,tdisc,w{2},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FO = sys.f; GO = sys.g; end%if W = WC; case 'minimality' if isempty(WX) || not(isequal(FX,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GX,sys.g)) WX = emgr(f{3},g{3},sysdim,tdisc,w{3},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FX = sys.f; GX = sys.g; end%if W = WX; end%switch r = eps + abs(inw(W) - arrayfun(@(k) inw(sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*W*sys.proj{1}(:,1:k)),1:min(sys.N,RANK))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% SYSTEM INDEX case 'system_index' % OK inwx = match(task,'method',[],{'cauchy_index', @(wx) sum(sign(real(EIG(wx)))); ... ... 'system_entropy', @(wx) size(wx,1)/log(2.0*exp(1.0)*pi) + sum(log(abs(abs(EIG(wx))))); ... ... 'system_symmetry', @(wx) sqrt(abs(sum(sum(wx.*wx'))))/norm(wx,'Fro'); ... ... 'io_coherence', @(wx) abs(sum(sum(wx.*wx')))/trace(wx)^2; ... ... 'system_gain', @(wx) abs(trace(wx))}); if not(isempty(inwx)) if isempty(WX) || not(isequal(FX,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GX,sys.g)) WX = emgr(f{3},g{3},sysdim,tdisc,w{3},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FX = sys.f; GX = sys.g; end%if r = eps + abs(inwx(WX) - arrayfun(@(k) inwx(sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*WX*sys.proj{1}(:,1:k)),1:min(sys.N,RANK))); return end%if inco = match(task,'method',[],{'gramian_distance', @(wc,wo) norm(log(sqrt(EIG(wc*wo))),2); ... ... 'network_sensitivity', @(wc,wo) trace(wc) + trace(wo); ... ... 'geometric_mean_hsv', @(wc,wo) prod(sqrt(EIG(wc*wo)))^(1.0/size(wc,1)); ... ... 'rv_coefficient', @(wc,wo) sum(sum(wc.*wo))/(norm(wc,'Fro')*norm(wo,'Fro'))}); if not(isempty(inco)) if isempty(WC) || not(isequal(FC,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GC,sys.g)) || not(isequal(FO,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GO,sys.g)) nf(7) = 0; WC = emgr(f{1},g{1},sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); WO = emgr(f{2},g{2},sysdim,tdisc,w{2},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FC = sys.f; GC = sys.g; FO = sys.f; GO = sys.g; end%if r = eps + abs(inco(WC,WO) - arrayfun(@(k) inco(sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*WC*sys.proj{1}(:,1:k),sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*WO*sys.proj{1}(:,1:k)),1:min(sys.N,RANK))); return end%if error('est: Unknown system_index method'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% SYSTEM NORM case 'system_norm' % OK inoc = match(task,'method',[],{'hardy_2_norm', @(w) sqrt(abs(trace(w)))}); if not(isempty(inoc)) if isempty(WQ) || not(isequal(FQ,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GQ,sys.g)) nf(7) = 1; WQ = emgr(f{1},g{1},sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FQ = sys.f; GQ = sys.g; end%if r = eps + abs(inoc(WQ) - arrayfun(@(k) inoc(emgr(f{1},@(x,u,p,t) g{1}(sys.proj{1}(:,1:k)*(sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*x),u,p,t),sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp)),1:min(sys.N,RANK))); return end%if inco = match(task,'method',[],{'hardy_inf_norm', @(wc,wo) sum(sqrt(EIG(wc*wo))); ... ... 'hilbert_schmidt_hankel_norm', @(wc,wo) norm(wc*wo,'Fro'); ... ... 'hankel_norm', @(wc,wo) sqrt(min(EIG(wc*wo)))}); if not(isempty(inco)) if isempty(WC) || not(isequal(FC,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GC,sys.g)) || not(isequal(FO,sys.f)) || not(isequal(GO,sys.g)) nf(7) = 0; WC = emgr(f{1},g{1},sysdim,tdisc,w{1},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); WO = emgr(f{2},g{2},sysdim,tdisc,w{2},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,dp); FC = sys.f; GC = sys.g; FO = sys.f; GO = sys.g; end%if r = eps + abs(inco(WC,WO) - arrayfun(@(k) inco(sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*WC*sys.proj{1}(:,1:k),sys.proj{2}(:,1:k)'*WO*sys.proj{1}(:,1:k)),1:min(sys.N,RANK))); return end%if error('est: Unknown system_norm method'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% TAU FUNCTION case 'tau_function' % OK r = arrayfun(@(k) prod(real(EIG(eye(sys.N) + emgr(f{3},g{3},sysdim,tdisc,w{3},pr,nf,ut,us,xs,um,xm,@(x,y) x(:,k:end)*y(k:end,:))))),1:floor(sys.Tf / sys.dt)); end%switch ODE = []; STAGES = []; RANK = []; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% DECOMPOSITION WRAPPER function varargout = SVD(A) % summary: svd/svds wrapper global RANK; switch nargout case 1 if isinf(RANK) varargout = {svd(A)}; else varargout = {svds(A,RANK)}; end%if case 2 if isinf(RANK) [U,D,~] = svd(A); else [U,D,~] = svds(A,RANK); end%if D = diag(D); varargout = {U,D}; case 3 if isinf(RANK) [U,D,V] = svd(A); else [U,D,V] = svds(A,RANK); end%if D = diag(D); varargout = {U,D,V}; end%switch end function varargout = EIG(A) % summary: eig/eigs wrapper global RANK; switch nargout case 1 if isinf(RANK) varargout = {eig(A)}; else varargout = {eigs(A,RANK)}; end%if case 2 if isinf(RANK) [U,D,~] = eig(A,'vector'); else [U,D,~] = eigs(A,RANK); D = diag(D); end%if varargout = {U,D}; end%switch end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% UTILITIES function r = hasfield(str,key,def) % summary: get field key from struct str if exists otherwise return def if isfield(str,key) r = getfield(str,key); else r = def; end%if end function r = match(str,key,def,map) % summary: return map(ped) values for member key of struct str otherwise def s = cell2struct(map(:,2),map(:,1),1); if not(isfield(str,key)) || not(isfield(s,getfield(str,key))) r = def; else r = getfield(s,getfield(str,key)); end%if end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PSEUDO-KERNELS function r = kernel_sum(x,y) % summary: Sum Pseudo-Kernel r = sum(sum(x*y)); end function r = kernel_trace(x,y) % summary: Trace Pseudo-Kernel r = sum(sum(x.*y')); end function r = kernel_diagonal(x,y) % summary: Diagonal Pseudo-Kernel r = sum(x.*y',2); end function r = dmd(x,y) % summary: Dynamic-Mode-Decomposition-Galerkin Pseudo Kernel r = x(:,2:end) * pinv(y(1:end-1,:)',sqrt(eps)); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ADAPTIVE RUNGE-KUTTA SOLVER function y = rk45ex(f,g,t,x0,u,p) % summary: Adaptive 4th/5th Dormand-Prince Runge-Kutta method [S,x] = ode45(@(t,x) f(x,u(t),p,t),[0,t(2)],x0,odeset('InitialStep',t(1))); z = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(k) g(x(k,:)',u(S(k)),p,S(k)),1:numel(S),'UniformOutput',false)); y = interp1(S,z',(0:t(1):t(2)))'; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% MORSCORE (MODEL ORDER REDUCTION SCORE) function s = morscore(orders,errors) if iscell(orders) && all(size(errors)>1) nx = orders{1} ./ max(orders{1}); ny = orders{2} ./ max(orders{2}); nz = log10(errors + eps) ./ floor(log10(eps)); s = max(0,trapz(ny(:),trapz(nx(:),nz,2))); else nx = orders ./ max(orders); ny = log10(errors + eps) ./ floor(log10(eps)); s = max(0,trapz(nx(:),ny(:))); end%if end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% REDUCTORS function [U,D,V] = poor_man(W) % summary: Poor man's method (pod) [U,D,~] = SVD(W{1}); V = U; end function [U,D,V] = dominant_subspaces(W) % summary: Dominant subspaces if isequal(numel(W),1) [UX,DX,VX] = SVD(W{1}); [U,D,~] = SVD([UX.*DX',VX.*DX']); else [UC,DC,~] = SVD(W{1}); [UO,DO,~] = SVD(W{2}); [U,D,~] = SVD([UC.*DC',UO.*DO']); end%if V = U; end function [U,D,V] = approx_balancing(W) % summary: approximate balancing (modified pod) if isequal(numel(W),1) [U,DX,VX] = SVD(W{1}); D = diag(DX); V = VX*(VX'*U); else [U,DC,~] = SVD(W{1}); [VX,DO,~] = SVD(W{2}); D = diag(DC)./diag(DO); V = VX*(VX'*U); end%if end function [U,D,V] = balanced_pod(W) % summary: Balanced pod if isequal(numel(W),1) [LC,EC] = SVD(W{1}); [LO,EO] = SVD(W{1}'); else [LC,EC] = SVD(W{1}); [LO,EO] = SVD(W{2}); end%if LC = LC .* sqrt(abs(EC))'; LO = LO .* sqrt(abs(EO))'; [UB,HSV,VB] = svd(LC' * LO,'econ'); D = sqrt(diag(HSV) + 2.0*eps)'; U = LC * (UB ./ D); V = LO * (VB ./ D); end function [U,D,V] = balanced_truncation(W) % summary: Balanced truncation if isequal(numel(W),1) [LC,EC] = EIG(W{1}); [LO,EO] = EIG(W{1}'); else [LC,EC] = EIG(W{1}*W{2}); [LO,EO] = EIG(W{2}*W{1}); end%if LC = LC .* sqrt(abs(EC))'; LO = LO .* sqrt(abs(EO))'; [UB,HSV,VB] = svd(LC' * LO,'econ'); D = sqrt(diag(HSV) + 2.0*eps)'; U = LC * (UB ./ D); V = LO * (VB ./ D); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% REDUCED ORDER MODEL EVALUATION function r = assess(sys,config,XL,XR,PL,PR) % summary: global ODE; pr = hasfield(sys,'p',0); us = hasfield(sys,'us',zeros(sys.M,1)); xs = hasfield(sys,'xs',zeros(sys.N,1)); x0 = hasfield(sys,'x0',zeros(sys.N,1)); rand('seed',1009); ur = rand(1,floor(sys.Tf / sys.dt) + 1); u = @(t) ur(1,floor(t / sys.dt) + 1); skip_x = hasfield(config,'skip_x',1); skip_p = hasfield(config,'skip_p',1); num_test_param = hasfield(config,'num_test_param',1); if isequal(num_test_param,1) || isequal(size(pr,2),1) param = pr; else pmin = min(pr,[],2); pmax = max(pr,[],2); param = pmin + abs(pmax - pmin) .* rand(size(pr,1),num_test_param); end%if if isequal(numel(XL),1) skip_x = 1; max_x = 1; else max_x = min(size(XL,1)-1,size(XL,2)); end%if if isequal(numel(PL),1) skip_p = 1; max_p = 1; else max_p = min(size(PL,1)-1,size(PL,2)); end%if test_x = skip_x:skip_x:max_x; test_p = skip_p:skip_p:max_p; norms = { @(y) sys.dt * norm(y(:),1), ... % L1 time series norm @(y) sqrt(sys.dt) * norm(y(:),2), ... % L2 time series norm @(y) norm(y(:),Inf), ... % Linf time series norm @(y) sum(abs(prod(y,1).^(1/size(y,1)))) }; % L0 time series norm ln = cellfun(@(n) zeros(numel(test_x),numel(test_p)),norms,'UniformOutput',false); for q = 1:num_test_param Y = ODE(sys.f,sys.g,[sys.dt,sys.Tf],x0,@(t) us + u(t),param(:,q)); for n = test_x xl = XL(:,1:n); xr = XR(:,1:n)'; ix = find(test_x==n); for p = test_p pl = PL(:,1:p); pr = PR(:,1:p)'; ip = find(test_p==p); y = ODE(@(x,u,p,t) xr*sys.f(xs + xl*x,u,p,t), ... @(x,u,p,t) sys.g(xs + xl*x,u,p,t), ... [sys.dt,sys.Tf], xr*x0, @(t) us + u(t), pl*(pr*param(:,q))); for m = 1:numel(norms) ln{m}(ix,ip) = ln{m}(ix,ip) + (norms{m}(Y - y)).^2; end%for end%for end%for end%for ln = cellfun(@(l) sqrt(l)./sqrt(max(l(:))),ln,'UniformOutput',false); r = [{test_x, test_p}, ln]; end