function estDemo(t) %%% project: emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework ( ) %%% version: 5.99 (2022-04-13) %%% authors: Christian Himpe (0000-0003-2194-6754) %%% license: BSD-2-Clause ( %%% summary: estDemo - run emgr examples via est switch lower(t) case 'hnm', hnm(); % Hyperbolic Network Model case 'isp', isp(); % Inverse Sylvester Procedure case 'fss', fss(); % Flexible Space Structures case 'nrc', nrc(); % Nonlinear Resistor-Capacitor Cascade case 'rqo', rqo(); % Random Diagonal System with Quadratic Output case 'lte', lte(); % Linear Transport Equation case 'aps', aps(); % All Pass System case 'fbc', fbc(); % Five-Body Choreography case 'qso', qso(); % Quasi-Stable Orbits Inside Black Holes otherwise, error('Unknown example code!'); end%switch end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% HYPERBOLIC NETWORK MODEL function hnm() name = 'Hyperbolic Network Model'; disp(['Example: ',name]); sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 64; % Number of states sys.Q = 1; % Number of outputs A = sqrt(sys.N) * gallery('tridiag',sys.N,1,-2,1); % System matrix B = tanh(1:sys.N)'; % Input matrix C = B'; % Output matrix sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) A * tanh(p.*x) + B * u; % Vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) C * x; % Output functional sys.dt = 0.01; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.0; % Time horizon sys.p = ones(sys.N,1) * [0.5,1.0]; % Training parameter range task.type = 'combined_reduction'; task.method = 'minimality'; task.variant = 'dominant_subspaces'; config.test = true; config.num_test_param = 10; config.pcentering = 'linear'; config.extra_input = 'yes'; config.skip_x = 3; config.skip_p = 3; config.ptype = 'exact_schur'; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S figure('Name',name,'NumberTitle','off'); h = surf(R{1},R{2},R{5}); xlabel('State Dimension'); ylabel('Parameter Dimension'); zlabel('Relative Error'); xlim([R{1}(1),R{1}(end)]); ylim([R{2}(1),R{2}(end)]); zl = zlim(); zlim([zl(1),1]); set(gca,'ZScale','log'); set(h,'CData',log10(get(h,'CData'))); set(gca,'CLim',log10(get(gca,'ZLim'))); view(135,15); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% INVERSE SYLVESTER PROCEDURE function isp() name = 'Inverse Sylvester Procedure'; disp(['Example: ',name]); rand('seed',1009); randn('seed',1009); sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 64; % Number of states sys.Q = 1; % Number of outputs a = 1e-1; % Minimum cross gramian singular value b = 1e+1; % Maximum cross gramian singular value WX = -diag( a*((b/a).^rand(sys.N,1)) ); % Balanced cross gramian B = randn(sys.N,sys.M); % Balanced input and output matrix A = sylvester(WX,WX,B*B') - sqrt(eps)*speye(sys.N); % Balanced system matrix Q = orth(randn(sys.N,sys.N)); % Unbalancing transformation A = Q'*A*Q; % Unbalanced system matrix B = Q'*B; % Unbalanced input matrix C = B'; % Unbalanced output matrix sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) A*x + B*u; % Vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) C*x; % Output functional sys.F = @(x,u,p,t) A'*x + C'*u; % Adjoint vector field sys.dt = 0.01; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.0; % Time horizon task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'dominant_subspaces'; task.variant = 'minimality'; config.test = true; config.linearity = 'linear'; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% FLEXIBLE SPACE STRUCTURES function fss() name = 'Flexible Space Structure'; disp(['Example: ',name]); K = 32; % Number of subsystems sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 2*K; % Number of states sys.Q = 1; % Number of outputs xi = rand(1,K) * 0.001; % Sample damping ratio omega = rand(1,K) * 10.0; % Sample natural frequencies A_k = cellfun(@(p) sparse([-2.0*p(1)*p(2),-p(2);p(2),0]), ... % Subsystem blocks num2cell([xi;omega],1),'UniformOutput',false); A = blkdiag(A_k{:}); % System matrix B = kron(rand(K,sys.M),[1;0]); % Input matrix C = 10.0 * rand(sys.Q,2*K); % Output matrix sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) A*x + B*u; % Vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) C*x; % Output functional sys.F = @(x,u,p,t) A'*x + C'*u; % Adjoint vector field sys.dt = 0.01; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.0; % Time horizon task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'dominant_subspaces'; task.variant = 'minimality'; config.test = true; config.linearity = 'linear'; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% NONLINEAR RESISTOR CAPACITOR CASCADE function nrc() name = 'Nonlinear Resistor-Capacitor Cascade'; disp(['Example: ',name]); sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 64; % Number of states sys.Q = 1; % Number of outputs g = @(x) exp(x) + x - 1.0; % Diode nonlinearity A0 = sparse(1,1,1,sys.N,sys.N); A1 = spdiags(ones(sys.N-1,1),-1,sys.N,sys.N) - speye(sys.N); A1(1,1) = 0; A2 = spdiags([ones(sys.N-1,1);0],0,sys.N,sys.N) - spdiags(ones(sys.N,1),1,sys.N,sys.N); B = sparse(1,1,1,sys.N,1); sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) -g(A0*x) + g(A1*x) - g(A2*x) + B*u; % Vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) x(1); % Output functional sys.dt = 0.01; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.0; % Time horizon %sys.v = @(t) ones(sys.M,1)*(t<=0.5*sys.Tf); % Test input task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'dominant_subspaces'; task.variant = 'minimality'; config.test = true; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% RANDOM DIAGONAL SYSTEM WITH QUADRATIC OUTPUT function rqo() name = 'Random Diagonal System with Quadratic Output'; disp(['Example: ',name]); rand('seed',1009); sys.M = 1; sys.N = 64; sys.Q = 1; A = spdiags(-rand(sys.N,1),0,sys.N,sys.N); B = rand(sys.N,1); sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) A*x + B*u; sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) norm(x); sys.dt = 0.01; sys.Tf = 1.0; task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'dominant_subspaces'; task.variant = 'minimality'; config.test = true; config.kernel = 'gauss'; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% LINEAR TRANSPORT EQUATION function lte() name = 'Linear Transport Equation'; disp(['Example: ',name]); sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 256; % Number of states sys.Q = 1; % Number of outputs A = spdiags(sys.N*ones(sys.N,1)*[1,-1],[-1,0],sys.N,sys.N); % System matrix B = sparse(1,1,sys.N,sys.N,1); % Input matrix C = sparse(1,sys.N,1.0,1,sys.N); % Output matrix sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) p*A*x + B*u; % Vector field sys.F = @(x,u,p,t) p*A'*x + C'*u; % Adjoint vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) C*x; % Output functional sys.dt = 0.5./sys.N; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.5; % Time horizon sys.p = 1; % Transport velocity task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'dominant_subspaces'; task.variant = 'minimality'; config.test = true; config.linearity = 'linear'; config.skip_x = 4; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ALL PASS SYSTEM function aps() name = 'All Pass System'; disp(['Example: ',name]); sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 64; % Number of states sys.Q = 1; % Number of outputs A = gallery('tridiag',sys.N,-1,0,1); A(1,1) = -0.5; % System matrix B = sparse(1,1,1,sys.N,1); % Input matrix C = -B'; % Output matrix sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) A*x + B*u; % Vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) C*x; % Output functional sys.dt = 0.01; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.0; % Time horizon task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'dmd_galerkin'; task.variant = 'controllability'; config.test = true; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% FIVE BODY CHOREOGRAPHY function fbc() name = 'Five-Body Choreography'; disp(['Example: ',name]); n = 5; % Number of bodies sys.M = 0; % Number of inputs sys.N = 4*n; % Number of states sys.Q = 2*n; % Number of outputs sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) [x((2*n)+1:end);acc(x(1:2*n),u,p)]; % Vector field sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) x(1:2*n); % Output functional sys.dt = 0.01; % Time step sys.Tf = 1.0; % Time horizon sys.p = ones(n,1); % Parameters sys.x0 = [1.449; 0.0; 0.400; -0.345; -1.125;... % Initial condition 0.448; -1.125; -0.448; 0.400; 0.345;... 0.0; -0.922; -1.335; 0.810; -0.919;... -0.349; 0.919; -0.349; 1.335; 0.810]; task.type = 'model_reduction'; task.method = 'poor_man'; task.variant = 'observability'; config.centering = 'mean'; config.kernel = @(x,y) x(size(x,1)/2+2:end,:) * pinv(y(:,size(y,2)/2+1:end-1)'); % velocity dmd kernel config.test = true; [R,S] = est(sys,task,config); MORscore = S errorplot(name,R{1},R{3},R{4},R{5},R{6}); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% QUASI STABLE ORBITS function qso() name = 'Quasi-Stable Orbits Inside Black Hole'; disp(['Example: ',name]); sys.M = 1; % Number of inputs sys.N = 4; % Number of states sys.Q = 3; % Number of outputs sys.f = @orbit; % Vector field sys.g = @bl2c; % Output functional sys.dt = 0.005; % Time step sys.Tf = 5.0; % Time horizon % Fermion sys.xs = [0.4;0.5*pi;0;0]; % Initial state sys.p = [[0.568;1.13;0.13;0.9982;0.05;1.0] * [0.9,1.1]; [-0.01,0.01]]; % Parameter range task.type = 'parameter_sensitivity'; task.method = 'minimality'; config = struct(); RF = est(sys,task,config); % Photon EE = 10.5; sys.xs = [0.2;0.5*pi;0;0]; % Initial state sys.p = [[EE;1.38*EE;0.03*EE*EE;0.9982;0.05] * [0.9,1.1]; [-0.01,0.01;-0.01,0.01]]; % Parameter range RP = est(sys,task,config); figure('Name',name,'NumberTitle','off'); set(gca,'XLim',[0,8],'YLim',[1e-2,1e2], ... 'XTickLabel',{' ','E','L','Q','a','e','\mu','\epsilon',' '}, ... 'YScale','log', ... 'YGrid','on', ... 'NextPlot','add'); bar([RF,RP]); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% HELPER FUNCTIONS function errorplot(name,dims,l0,l1,l2,l8) figure('Name',name,'NumberTitle','off'); set(gca,'XLim',[dims(1),dims(end)],'YLim',[1e-16,1.1],'YScale','log','Ytick',[1e-16,1e-8,1e-0],'YGrid','on','NextPlot','add'); plot(dims,l1+eps,'r','LineWidth',3); plot(dims,l2+eps,'g','LineWidth',3); plot(dims,l8+eps,'b','LineWidth',3); plot(dims,l0+eps,'k--','LineWidth',3); legend('L_1 Error','L_2 Error','L_\infty Error','L_0 Error','location','NorthEast'); xlabel('State Dimension'); ylabel('Relative Error'); pbaspect([2,1,1]); end function a = acc(x,u,p,t) % N-body acceleration vector field component N = numel(x)/2; A = reshape(x,[2,N]); y = zeros(2,N); for n = 1:N B = bsxfun(@minus,A,A(:,n)); Z = p'./(sqrt(1e-6+(sum(B.^2))).^3); B = bsxfun(@times,B,Z); y(:,n) = sum(B,2); end%for a = y(:); end function x = orbit(x,u,p,t) % Generalized orbit vector-field E = p(1); % E L = p(2); % L Q = p(3); % Q a = p(4); % a e = p(5); % e mu = p(6); % mu ep = p(7); % epsilon D = x(1)^2 - 2.0*x(1) + a^2 + e^2; S = x(1)^2 + a^2*cos(x(2))^2; P = E*(x(1)^2 + a^2) + e*ep*x(1) - a*L; Vt = Q - cos(x(2))^2*(a^2*(mu^2 - E^2) + L^2*sin(x(2))^(-2) ); Vr = P^2 - D*(mu^2*x(1)^2 + (L - a*E)^2 + Q); x = abs([ sqrt(Vr) ; ... sqrt(Vt) ; ... L * sin(x(2))^(-2) + a*(P/D-E) ; ... a * (L - a * E * sin(x(2))^2) + P/D * (x(1)^2 + a^2) ]./S); end function y = bl2c(x,u,p,t) % Boyer-Lindquist to Cartesian coordinate conversion y = [ sqrt(x(1)^2 + p(4)^2) * sin(x(2)) * cos(x(3)); ... sqrt(x(1)^2 + p(4)^2) * sin(x(2)) * sin(x(3)); ... x(1) * cos(x(2)) ]; end